
You have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after receipt without giving any reason. You have another 14 days after cancellation to return your product.

If you return the entire order you will be credited the full order amount including shipping costs. Only the cost of return shipping from your home to the online store is at your own expense. These costs are approximately €9 per package (post NL).

When you partially return an order you will be credited for the value of the returned products. Should returns bring you below the postage paid amount (NL €100,-) the transport costs of your order will be deducted from your amount to be credited.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to the entrepreneur with all delivered accessories and – if reasonably possible – in its original condition and packaging.

To exercise this right, please contact us at stating your order number and contact information.

We ask that you include a (copy) of your invoice with the returned products.

We will then refund the order amount due within 14 days of receiving your return provided the product has already been received back in good order.

Return address – Contact information

Studio Juul Rameau
Daalakkersweg 6.46
5641 JA Eindhoven

VAT: NL001908269B84

+31 6 2933 1511 ( Mon-Fri 9:30 – 17:00)

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